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What puts you at risk for developing CRPS?


We don’t know exactly why some people develop CRPS, but several risk factors have been identified:

Injuries and Surgeries:

Certain injuries, especially fractures, sprains, and surgeries, increase the likelihood of developing CRPS. For instance, one study showed that after a wrist fracture, 4% of people develop CRPS.

An early warning sign may be having high levels of pain in the first week of the injury (>5/10). It’s important to note that the severity of the injury does not determine who will get CRPS (for most people with CRPS, the trigger was a rather minor injury).


Often after bone fractures, the affected body region is immobilized (for example in a cast), and this can increase the risk of CRPS. Studies have shown that even perceived cast tightness can contribute. In studies with animals, scientist discovered that immobilizing a body region can trigger CRPS-like symptoms.

Medication and Medical Conditions:

Certain medications like angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or a history of conditions like migraine or asthma have been linked to a heightened risk of CRPS. However, the exact connection between these factors and CRPS remains unclear.


There’s evidence pointing towards a potential genetic role for developing CRPS. The extent to which genetics increase a person’s risk for CRPS remains unclear and is  active area of research.


While we still have a lot to learn about CRPS, ongoing research discoveries bring new hope. By understanding the factors that lead to CRPS, we can find betters to prevent and treat this condition.

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